The Digital Power Plant is situated next to the National Film Theme Park on the territory of the Industiral Park of Ózd. One of its main elements is the Digital Carpathian Basin Exhibition, which is a gallery that introduces the history and traditions of the Carpathian Basin with the aid of continuously moving sequences. You are not watching a film while sitting, but you are walking among contemporary films made of film excerptions from different ages, and it is up to you which topic to pick. These film etudes are related to the Hungarian identity and the world of the Carpathian Basin, and involve topics of Hungarian sceneries, animals, customs, folk dance, written culture and arts, baths, sports and even famous Hungarian products and inventors. You can see Albert Szent-Györgyi and Victor Vasarely in original records as well as common people from gone-by eras.
Besides the Digital Carpathian Basin Exhibition, the Power Plant also introduces the computer science collection from the Computer Science Museum Foundation of Szeged, owing to the John von Neumann Computer Society. These items from large computing centres and personal computers from the ’70s were made in Hungary mostly.